
What are young people's expectations of Europe?

Yesterday, September 8, at the Villa degli Autori the representatives of the European Parliament involved in the LUX Film Prize met this year's young members of the 28 Times Cinema program, a project supported by the European Parliament in a partnership with the Giornate degli Autori and Europa Cinemas.

The debate that followed, introduced by Doris Pack, coordinator of the LUX Prize, featured speakers Petra Kammerevert, Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education; Silvia Costa, a member of the committee; and Martina Dlabajová, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Budgetary Control and a member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.

Giorgio Gosetti, Artistic Director of the Giornate, moderated the lively debate and turned the theme underlying the event on its head. On the one hand, the question that sparked the initial discussion: What do young people expect of Europe? On the other: what should Europe expect of the rising generation of European citizens?

Martina Dlabajová's answer was this: "Since my responsibilities include overseeing the budget, I often ask myself what activities we should be supporting. And when I look at you representatives of the 28 Times Cinema project, I see, right here, the real value added of the initiatives that the European Parliament supports."

Petra Kammerevert had this to say: "I expect today's youth to make Europe better than what it is now. So help us to know for sure that Europe won't just settle for having a past but can build a future as well. Your future. Cinema, for example, is a cultural asset that we need to save."

"If you want to understand Europe," said Doris Pack, "you need to tell it stories. And what better way to do so than through films?"

Silvia Costa seized the occasion to announce that next year the LUX Prize and its three finalist films will be presented to the European Union delegations (not just in Europe but around the world).
She then joined the chorus of her E.U. Parliament colleagues when she responded to that provocative initial question about expectations by encouraging the young people present and showing she had full confidence in their abilities. "It doesn't depend on us alone. We're counting on you!"

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