Notti Veneziane

Aquagranda in crescendo

by Giovanni Pellegrini
Italy, 2017, 77', color, DCP

cinematography Giovanni Pellegrini
editing Chiara Andrich

with Damiano Michieletto, Luigi Cerantola
Roberto Bianchin, Filippo Perocco
Marco Angius, Paolo Fantin
Fortunato Ortombina, Cristiano Chiarot

producer Riccardo Biadene
production KAMA Productions
in collaboration with Gran Teatro la Fenice di Venezia
press office
Silvia Gorgi 
mob. +39 346 9645409

On the 50th anniversary of the +196cm high tide that flooded and wrecked Venice in 1966, Teatro La Fenice produces the new opera Aquagranda, as a reminder of the tragic days in which Venice and many islands of her lagoon ran the risk to disappear forever. We followed the stage director Michieletto, the composer Perocco and their team on the stage of La Fenice, the legendary opera house three times risen from the ashes of the fires that burnt it to the ground - in 1792, 1836 and 1996. Aquagranda in crescendo tells the birth of a contemporary opera and re-enacts the days that shook the heart of Venice, and stirred a deep fear of the sea in the city born out of waters.


07/09/2017 h 21:00Piazza Ognissanti (Pellestrina)
Free Entrance

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