Official Selection

Graves Without a Name

by Rithy Panh
France, Cambodia, 2018, 115', color, DCP
Wednesday 29 August 2018
14:00 Sala Perla Tickets, All Accreditations
Followed by Q&A
Monday 03 September 2018
11:30 Sala Perla Tickets, All Accreditations

Opening film

Rithy Panh
with Agn¸s Sˇnˇmaud
Rithy Panh
Prum Mˇsar

Rithy Panh
Marc Marder
Eric Tisserand
Vann Sereyrathanan
Julien Ngo Trong

Randal Douc

Anupheap Production
ARTE France
Unitˇ Sociˇtˇ et Culture
Catherine Dussart

world sales

After The Missing Picture and Exile, Rithy Panh continues his personal and spiritual exploration. S21 the Khmer Rouge Killing Machine and Duch, Master of the Forges of Hell analyzed the mechanisms of the crime. Graves Without a Name searches for a path to peace. When a thirteen-year- old child, who lost the greater part of his family under the Khmer rouge, embarks on a search for their graves, whether clay or on spiritual ground, what does he find there? And above all, what is he looking for? Spectral trees? Villages defaced beyond recognition? Witnesses who are frightened and reluctant to speak? The ethereal touch of a brother or sisterÕs body as the night approaches? A cinematic movie that reaches well beyond the story of a country for that which is universal.



2018 Les tombeaux sans noms
(Graves Without a Name, doc)
2016 Exil (doc)
2013 LÕimage manquante
(The Missing Picture, doc)
2011 Gibier dÕˇlevage
2010 Duch, le ma"tre des forges de lÕenfer
(Master of the Forges of Hell, doc)
2008 Un barrage contre le Pacifique
(The Sea Wall)
2006 Le papier ne peut pas envelopper la braise
(Paper Cannot Wrap Ember, doc)
2005 Les artistes du Thˇ‰tre Br˛lˇ
(The Burnt Theater, doc)
2003 Les gens dÕAngkor
(The People of Angkor, doc)
2002 S 21, La machine de mort Khm¸re Rouge
(S21: The Khmer Rouge Death Machine, doc)
2000 Que la barque se brise,
que la jonque sÕentrouvre
2000 La terre des ‰mes errantes
(The Land of the Wandering Souls, doc)
1997 Un soir apr¸s la guerre
(One Evening After the War)
1996 Bophana, une tragˇdie cambodgienne (doc)
1994 Neak sre, les gens de la rizi¸re
(Rice People)
1992 Cambodge, entre guerre et paix
1989 Site 2 (doc)

ÒApril 17th, 1975. The city of Phnom Penh has fallen. The victorious Khmer Rouge revolutionary forces entered the city. And in the following hours, two million people had to flee the city. Schools and hospitals were closed, money was banned, religions were forbidden, any form of communication was banned, culture was censored. [...] Then order set in. The Angkar (the Communist Party of Kampuchea) sent us to Trum, a place in the middle of nowhere. [...] And in the end, death. Eleven of us left Phnom Penh. Only two of us survived. Twenty years later, in 1996, I regularly came back to Char, Trum, Wat Pï. But why come back to these places? To look for what? No trace of the graves of my father or my nephews. Where are the mass graves where my mother and my sisters are buried? Death is invisible.Ó
After his deportation in 1975, Rithy Panh (Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 1964) was sent to work in a forced labour camp by the Khmer Rouge. Whereas many of his family members and friends did not survive the genocide, after four years he managed to escape and reach the refugee camp of Mairut, in Thailand. In 1980 he arrived in Paris, France, where he studied, and graduated, at the IDHEC (Institut des hautes ˇtudes cinˇmatographiques). Since 1989, the year he directed Site 2, he has made numerous documentaries and feature films, many of which have drawn him back to Cambodia, for indepth, meaningful reflection on what happened in his homeland. His films include La terre des ‰mes errantes (best film at Cinˇma du Rˇel), S 21, La machine de mort Khm¸re Rouge (Fran¨ois Chalais Award at Cannes), LÕimage manquante (best film Un Certain Regard). He is the founder and director of the Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center in Cambodia, which aims to preserve the history of Cambodian film and photography, as well as promote new films.

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