Isola Edipo. A talk with Raymond Depardon

Sunday 02 September 2018
18:00 Villa degli Autori Free entrance is subjects to the availability

Isola Edipo, by Silvia Jop and Riccardo Biadene, is a series of cultural and artistic events inspired by the principles of social cooperation, respect for the environment and human beings and sustainability, within the framework of the Venice Film Festival. In addition to the Edipo Re Inclusion Award - established on the basis of the "Manifesto for Inclusion", in collaboration with the University of Padua and Kama Productions - also featured this year will be a Lifetime Achievement Award, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the closing of psychiatric clinics. The award will go to the great director and photographer Raymond Depardon. In collaboration with Giornate degli Autori, the award ceremony on September 1st will also include a talk the next day with the artist and the screening of two of his films. The latter stand out for their ability to highlight routes to freedom and states of denial by means of a film style that is astounding - yet never pedantic.
Cinema Astra, September 1 at 9.00 pm.San ClementeItaly, France, 1982, 99'In 1980, Depardon visited San Clemente, a psychiatric clinic he had been to previously to shoot a series of photos. This time he brought his movie camera. Over ten days, he filmed daily life inside the asylum shortly before it was closed down.

Cinema Astra, September 2 and 3 at 9.00 pm.12 JoursFrance, 2017, 87'Every year in France, 92,000 people are placed under psychiatric care without their consent. By law, the hospital has 12 days to bring each patient before a judge. Based on medical records and a doctor's recommendations, a crucial decision has to be made by the judge - will the patient be discharged or institutionalized? 12 days that can change a person's life forever.

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