Special Events


by Flavia Mastrella, Antonio Rezza
Italia, 2020, 78', colore, DCP
Screenplay: Flavia Mastrella, Antonio Rezza
Saturday 05 September 2020
22:00 Sala Astra 1 Press, Industry
Saturday 05 September 2020
22:15 Sala Astra 2 Press, Industry
Thursday 10 September 2020
11:30 Sala Perla All Accreditations
Followed by Q&A
Friday 11 September 2020
21:00 Cinema Rossini Tickets

Flavia Mastrella
Barbara Faonio
Eugenio Smith
Flavia Mastrella
Antonio Rezza

Antonio Rezza [Samp]
Patrizia Puddu [mother of Samp]
Silvana Cionfoli [bartender]
Andrea De Santis [boss]
Armando Novara [Armando]
Francesca Cogodda [Princess]
Maurizio Catania [Maurizio]
Francesco Artibani [Scozzese]
Ferdinando Cocco [piper]
Gamey Guilavogui [Gamey]
Flavia Mastrella [Radha]

Flavia Mastrella
Antonio Rezza

press office
Gloria Zerbinati

Samp is a professional hitman who is hired by a powerful president to kill traditionalists. On a personal level, he has psychological problems he treats with music. After killing his mother, he wanders through Puglia seeking his ideal woman. He encounters all sorts of people as he goes : nature-lovers, people out to find their roots, and an eccentric musician. Suddenly, Samp falls in love, not once, but serially. With women of little substance. He kills someone else and becomes almost human - and that humanity will put paid to his dreams of power.



2020 Samp
2020 Molossi [short, Antonio Rezza]
2020 Deserto - Non Tempo [short, Flavia Mastrella]
2020 Autoritratto [short]
2016 Milano, Via Padova
2010 Troppolitani Fuori dove? [short]
2008 Ottimismo democratico
2008 Nell'aldilà [short]
2008 Il passato è il mio bastone [short]
2006 Fotofinish 2
2001 Delitto sul Po
1999 Turo [short]
1999 Fummo [short]
1999 Il Mosè Michelangelo [short]
1998 Angeli negli occhi di Alberto [short]
1997 Hai mangiato? [short]
1997 L'handicappato [short]
1997 Virus [short]
1997 Porte [short]
1997-2000 Troppolitani [short, tv]
1996 Escoriandoli
1995 Schizzopatia [short]
1995 Fiorenzo [short]
1995 Raptus [short]
1995 Psicosi multipla [short]
1995 Zero a zero [short]
1995 Il telefonetto [short]
1995 Represso SVHS [short]
1995 Mongana [short]
1994 De civitate rei [short]
1994 Il piantone [short]
1994 Evolutio [short]
1993 Confusus [short]
1993 Torpore internazionale [short]
1993 L'orrore di vivere [short]
1993 Praeoccupatio [short]
1993 Larva [short]
1992 La divina provvidenza [short]
1992 Il vecchio dentro [short]
1991 Suppietij [short]
1991 Fratello Kraus [short]
1991 La Beata mancata [short]

Samp is a film with the pace of a journey and the dynamics of a performance, shot in Puglia, a land full of archaic, Messapian and Greek traditions mixed with a modernity inflicted with violence by economic power. Compulsive passion arises when there is no possibility of metabolizing the reasons for  change. Samp is a metaphor of the cultural disintegration without perspective that we have always experienced; an on the road movie that shatters the script, and captures the locations and actors in the moment. The filming of Samp began nineteen years ago and ended in 2020. The characters are seen to age together with the authors, while the liveliness of the images is castigated inside a frame that throbs on the screen.

Flavia Mastrella and Antonio Rezza work in involuntary communication. They have made thirteen works for the theater, five feature films, and countless short- and medium-length films. Flavia Mastrella is also a sculptress and a photographer, while Antonio Rezza is a novelist. From 1996 to 2020 they worked with Tele+ and Raitre. The numerous awards the duo has received include the Alinovi Award for interdisciplinary art, the Hystrio, Ubu and Napoli awards; a certificate of their unique contribution to culture from the Italian Chamber of Deputies; the Ermete Novelli Award, and the Golden Lion Lifetime Achievement Award for Theater at the 2018 Venice Biennale. In 2019 the Milanesiana conferred on them its Golden Rose Award. Their works have been presented in Paris, Madrid, Moscow, Shanghai and New York.

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