En ce moment
In this moment

by Serena Vittorini
Italy, 2020, 15', color, DCP
Screenplay: Serena Vittorini
Wednesday 09 September 2020
21:30 Isola degli Autori Public, free entrance
V.O.FR sub ITA
Reservation required on giornatedegliautori.com starting from August 31st

Serena Vittorini
Esmeralda Calabria
Serena Vittorini

Ophélie Masson
Serena Vittorini

Renata Ferri
Renata Ferri in collaboration with Cortona on the Move

Raffaella Milazzo

In This Moment is a love story involving two young women during the lockdown imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. They meet and fall in love, then the world shrinks around them, and their relationship is concentrated in one place and time. The film shows their attempts to express their own emotions and needs in a series of moments oscillating between intensity, suffering and passion.



2020 En ce moment [In This Moment, short]

In This Moment springs from an experiment with my relationship with Ophélie, a girl I was seeing during the lockdown in Belgium. It became clear that she was a prisoner of the confusion she was feeling and couldn't express her emotions, while, as for me, I was in flight from failed relationships and looking for the real thing. I used the camera to bear witness to our ‘combat' as we tried to come together. Filming allowed me to record the expression of my need to be understood, loved and accepted, as well as the ensuing frustration over thwarted desires and dashed expectations.

Serena Vittorini (L'Aquila, 1990) is a visual artist who lives in Brussels. After obtaining a degree in psychology, she decided to devote herself to photography instead. In the beginning she was interested in the processes by which places could be modified, and also the relationship between human presence and the photography of urban spaces. In recent years she is working on projects involving identity and memory, adding archival material, installations and audio works to her repertoire. In This Moment is her first short film.

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