Official Selection

Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time

by Lili Horvát
Hungary, 2020, 95', color, DCP
Thursday 03 September 2020
19:30 Sala Astra 1 Press, Industry
Thursday 03 September 2020
19:45 Sala Astra 2 Press, Industry
Sunday 06 September 2020
17:00 Sala Perla All Accreditations
Followed by Q&A
Monday 07 September 2020
15:00 Cinema Rossini Tickets
Friday 11 September 2020
11:15 Sala Perla All Accreditations

Felkészülés meghatározatlan ideig tartó együttlétre

Lili Horvát

Róbert Maly
Károly Szalai

musica music
Gábor Keresztes
Rudolf Várhegyi
production design
Sandra Sztevanovity
Juli Szlávik

Natasa Stork
[Márta Vizy]
Viktor Bodó
[János Drexler]
Benett Vilmányi

Dóra Csernátony
Lili Horvát
Péter Miskolczi
Poste Restante
with the support of
National Film Institute Hungary

world sales
NFI World Sales

press office
Csaba Papp, PR manager
Marijana Harder

Márta, a 40-year-old neurosurgeon, falls in love. She leaves her shining American career behind and returns to Budapest to start a new life with the man she loves. But she waits for him at the Liberty Bridge in vain - he does not appear at their rendezvous. Márta starts to search for him desperately, but when she finally finds him, the love of her life claims that they have never met before.



2020 Felkészülés meghatározatlan
ideig tartó együttlétre
[Preparations to Be Together for
an Unknown Period of Time]
2015 Szerdai gyerek [The Wednesday Child]

To me, Preparations... is primarily a personal story about the role of projection in love. Our film plays out in the unsettlingly murky no-man's-land that separates love from madness. To what extent do we construct love stories within ourselves? How far does our desired reality go, and where does it meet actual reality? How differently can two people experience the same love? Preparations... shows the inner journey of a strong, determined and yet fragile woman: a neurosurgeon who has achieved everything in her career, yet something fundamental is deeply missing from her life.

Lili Horvát (Budapest, 1982) studied audiovisual arts at the Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris and film directing at the University of Theatre and Film in Budapest. The Wednesday Child, Horvát's first feature won the East of West Award at Karlovy Vary 2015, and received numerous awards worldwide. In 2016, Horvát co-founded the production company Poste Restante, which produced her second feature, Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time.

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