Official Selection


by Merawi Gerima
United States, 2020, 90', color, DCP
Screenplay: Merawi Gerima
Wednesday 02 September 2020
22:00 Sala Astra 1 Press, Industry
Wednesday 02 September 2020
22:15 Sala Astra 2 Press, Industry
Saturday 05 September 2020
17:00 Sala Perla All Accreditations
Followed by Q&A
Sunday 06 September 2020
21:00 Cinema Rossini Tickets
Saturday 12 September 2020
17:00 Sala Perla All Accreditations

Mark Jeevaratnam
Merawi Gerima

Black Alley
Total Control Band
Critical Condition Band
Isaiah Hall
Merawi Gerima

Obinna Nwachukwu [Jay]
Dennis Lindsey [Delonte]
Taline Stewart [Blue]
Derron Scott [Mike]
Jacari Dye [young Jay]
Julian Selman [young Demetrius]
Melody Tally [Lavonne]
Ramon Thompson [Reggie]

Merawi Gerima


When Jay arrives home, he finds his neighborhood gentrified beyond recognition. Demetrius, his childhood best friend, is missing, but none of the remaining black folks trust Jay enough to provide any answers. Jay's frustration compounds as he also finds himself alienated in the city at large, attacked from all sides. Jay visits his last friend Dion in prison, but leaves feeling powerless and infuriated. Finally, a chance confrontation threatens Jay with the same fate as his friends.



2020 Residue

In junior high school, my parents packed us up and moved us away to another part of DC. Every time I return to my old neighborhood, another childhood friend has moved away, gone missing, been imprisoned or killed. A vibrant neighborhood annihilated by decades of funneled drugs, disinvestment, and over-policing. Now, aside from a few surviving families, you will find almost no evidence of our existence. It has been razed to the ground. The new, glittering community standing in its place gives one the impression that it has always been there, as if it weren't built on bones. Residue is my attempt to, in the words of Dominique Christina, "reflesh the bones".

Merawi Gerima is a filmmaker from Washington DC. This origin informs his work and his community-centered orientation. Residue, his first feature, was a total communal endeavor, made possible primarily by the effort of the people it attempts to portray.

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