Special Events


by Federica Di Giacomo
Italy, Czech Republic, 2021, 97', color
Screenplay: Andrea Zvetkov Sanguigni,
Federica Di Giacomo
22:00 Sala Astra 1 Press, Industry
22:15 Sala Astra 2  Press, Industry
11:15 Sala Perla All Accreditations
Followed by Q&A
21:00 Cinema Rossini Tickets


Clarissa Cappellani
Federica Di Giacomo
Edoardo Morabito
Giulia Tagliavia
Danilo Romancino
Tiziana Poli

Mauro Fagioli
Rocco Purvetti
Alessandra Tosetto
Andrea Zvetkov Sanguigni
Francesca Duscià
Simone Vricella
Tiziana Della Rocca
Osvaldo Kreinz
Virginia Zullo
Paola Biggio
Solomon Gortamaschwili

Giulia Achilli
Marco Alessi
Dugong Films
with Rai Cinema

Jan Macola
Mimesis Film
with the support of
Regione Lazio
Lazio Cinema International

Dugong Films

italian press office
Viviana Ronzitti

In the center of Rome, with a view of St. Peter's, there is a building called the Palace. Over the years, its owner, like a Renaissance patron of the arts, has offered asylum to an eclectic community of friends that has turned every inch of the building into a permanent film set. Mauro, the most charismatic of the group, directs the tenant in a visionary film that leads him to withdraw from the outside world more and more, until he never leaves the Palace at all. When he dies suddenly, the community reassembles; Mauro has left them his legacy, thousands of hours of footage of the unfinished masterpiece they all appeared in. It's a bequest that revives the long dormant spirit of the group, in a tragicomic coming-of-age tale in which time, however, has run out.



2021 Il Palazzo (doc)
2016 Liberami (doc)
2009 Housing (doc)
2006 Il lato grottesco della vita (doc)
2003 Suicidio perfetto (short)
2001 Close up (short)
2000 Los colores de la trance, Marrakesh (doc)

"I started to hang out at the Palace many years ago. It was a world unto itself, a microcosm of rare creative freedom, totally cut off from reality. I had just started shooting the film when Mauro died suddenly. During the wake, I sensed that each of us was secretly comparing him- or herself to our dead friend, trying to understand how much we had in common with him and how much we didn't, we hoped, so we'd be spared such a grim fate. The enormous archives Mauro left behind constitute the relationship between our own image and the image the past returns to us through the oral and visual memories of our friends. The entire group, in fact, had acted for Mauro and to an extent plays itself for me as well, this time with no script, but with a large helping of irony, pitting fiction against reality." [Federica Di Giacomo]

Federica Di Giacomo graduated with a degree in anthropology in Florence. Her film Libera Nos won the Horizons Award for Best Film at the Venice Film Festival in 2016, the Solinas Award for Best Documentary, Best Documentary at the Madrid Film Festival, and the Doc It Award. The film was shortlisted for the Silver Ribbons, the David of Donatello Awards, and the European Film Awards.  Her previous credits include: The Grotesque Side of Life (2006), which won two awards at the Torino Film Festival, and Housing (2009), which screened at festivals such as Locarno, CPH:DOX, Hot Docs, and Thessaloniki.

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