
The LUX Audience Award

The European Parliament and the European Film Academy (EFA), in partnership with the European Commission and Europa Cinemas, present a newly minted award the LUX Audience Award.
This new award is built on the LUX Prize, the film prize of the European Parliament established in 2007 as a symbol of the European Parliament's commitment to culture, and EFA's People's Choice Award.
The award aims at strengthening ties between politics and citizens, by inviting European audiences to become active protagonists by voting for their favourite films.

LUX Film Days
From February to May 2021, thanks to the LUX Audience Award initiative, the three nominated films: Another Round, Collective and Corpus Christi, subtitled in the 24 official languages of the EU, will be screened in more than 60 cities of the EU. 
In addition, the LUX Audience Week in May will feature the nominated films in screenings simultaneously shown in numerous cities in the EU, followed by a Q&A with one or two representatives of the film (director, actor, etc.).
Vote for your favourite nominated film to become the LUX Audience Award winner for 2021. You can vote by rating the films. By voting, you may get the chance to participate at the LUX Audience Award Ceremony, taking place on 9 June 2021 at the European Parliament in Strasbourg and also at the next EFA Awards Ceremony in December 2021.

27 Times Cinema
Since 2010 the ‘27/28 Times Cinema' project has been established and promoted by the LUX Film Prize and partners such as Giornate degli Autori (Venice Festival) and Europa Cinemas. This initiative builds on an intensive 10-day training course in Venice, for 27 young European film lovers and community enthusiasts.
During their stay, they meet with MEPs, influencers, communication experts, exhibitors, film directors, selection panel members, and they represent the youngest jury of the Venice Festival. Once back in their own country, they become "LUX Ambassadors", promoting the LUX films and activities in their communities. A network of more than 300 supporters, enthusiastic ‘LUX ambassadors' and various multipliers is growing each year.