Venetian Nights 2024
V.O. sub EN
Press, Industry
V.O. sub IT
Followed by Q&A
Reservation required on giornatedegliautori.com

Giovanni C. Lorusso
Giovanni C. Lorusso
Valentina Andreoli
Katibeh Khamseh
Daniela Bassani
Arafat Yasser Al Ali
Muhammad Ramzi Zayed
Jinen Al Ali
Jihad Khalaf Esa
Nour Amjad Al Nasim
M M Obama
Muhammad Esam Ghannam
Bissan Yasser Al Ali
Giovanni C. Lorusso
Yasser Kamal Al Ali
Salvatore Lizzio
Vanessa Zerda Rueda
Labo GCL
with the support of
Atelier Milano Film Network 2023
under the patronage of
Amnesty International Italia
Italian and international
press office
AMF Press
Sabra, in Lebanon, is known for the massacre carried out in 1982 by the Lebanese Phalange and the Israeli army to kill Palestinian citizens and Lebanese Shiites, leaving more than 3,000 victims. Here stands the Gaza Hospital, which after having been a Palestine Liberation Organisation hospital in the late 1970s was later dismantled, becoming a symbol of the survival of Palestinians, who still find refuge there. In the Gaza Building lives the protagonist of A Man Fell, 11-year-old Arafat, who spends his time among the ruins of the building’s eleven floors. Together with his friend Muhammad, he thinks about how to explore the forbidden basement, where ‘there is only sex, drugs and death’, while everyone in the building talks about the probably false story of a man who allegedly fell from the fourth floor of that same building for unknown reasons.

2024 A Man Fell (doc)
2024 Song of All Ends (doc)
“As with my previous works, I let my instincts and surroundings define the direction. After five days of visiting the different flats, where many were initially reluctant to get involved in the project, Yasser and I decided to develop a film based on the seemingly unimportant stories of the building through the eyes of the young Arafat. Minimising our equipment allowed us to move between the eleven floors of the building, where we organised ourselves to capture unexpected moments, as well as more prepared scenes with the boys.” (Giovanni C. Lorusso)
Giovanni C. Lorusso has a university education in literature in Rome, philosophy in London and film directing at the Sydney Film School. Lorusso has worked as a cinematographer for fifteen years between Oceania, Europe and Africa. His first film as a director, Song of All Ends, had its international premiere in 2024 at International Film Festival Rotterdam, and was also screened in Italy at the Bellaria Film Festival and the Milan African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival, where it won the SNCCI Critics’ Award. Lorusso is an accredited member of the Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS) and has published three books on photography: The Limits of Rupture, Keep Fire Burning, VOCI.