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Followed by Q&A
Irma Vecchio
Edoardo Morabito
Edoardo Morabito
Vincenzo Gangi
Riccardo Spagnol
script and editing collaboration
Alessandro Aniballi
Christopher Clark
Giulia Achilli
Marco Alessi
Nathalia Scarton
Fernando Meirelles
associated producers
Paola Corvino
Micaela Fusco
Marco Valerio Fusco
Edoardo Morabito
executive producer
Giancarlo Cammerini
Dugong Films
with Rai Cinema
with the support of
Fondo di sviluppo Ibermedia
Fondo di co-sviluppo Italia Brasile
(Programma di cooperazione tra MiC – DGCA, CSC, ANCINE)
Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission
in association with
Bidou Pictures Brasil
world sales
Italian distribution
Luce Cinecittà
international press office
Gloria Zerbinati
Italian press office
Viviana Ronzitti
Christopher Clark was an eco-warrior, a remarkable Scotsman who created his own personal Outpost of progress in the heart of the Amazonian rainforest. It was the model for a utopian society based on the perfect balance between nature and technology, protected and run by the inhabitants of the forest. Unfortunately, the situation got worse year by year, and in the film, a new huge wildfire now threatens to destroy the Outpost. Chris takes a gamble and decides to pit an equally spectacular event against the destruction of the forest: a Pink Floyd concert inside the green inferno, as a way to convince the Brazilian government to set up a nature reserve. To a dreamer like him, anything is possible, and he may well be right: in a world careening towards the apocalypse, being a bit crazy is the only form of resistance there is. But can we really save the rainforest? We, the children of the same capitalist system that is destroying it?

2023 L'avamposto (doc)
2013 I fantasmi di San Berillo (doc)
“Chris was my antidote to disillusionment. He seemed to be one of those few heroes who could swim against the tide. He was a visionary whose causes coincided with the urgent priorities of the world we live in. I followed him all the way to his Outpost across the world, where he was organizing a Pink Floyd concert in one of the last virgin corners left on the face of the earth. It was a bizarre undertaking, of course, but Chris was a hero from another era, a prisoner of the present with all its contradictions, which this journey allowed me to explore. Perhaps the two of us were riding on the same impossible dream for the briefest instant, as we watched disaster coming towards us. We both preferred to see the world for what it isn’t, rather than die of heartbreak.” [Edoardo Morabito]
As a director, Edoardo Morabito won the 2013 Torino Film Festival Award for Best Italian documentary, for his I fantasmi di San Berillo. As a film editor, his credits include Belluscone. Una storia siciliana by Franco Maresco (2014), Special Jury Prize in the Horizons section at the Venice Film Festival, and a David di Donatello for Best Documentary; and Liberami by Federica Di Giacomo (2016), Best Film in the Horizons section at Venice. He also edited two more Maresco films: Io sono Tony Scott (2010) and La mafia non è più quella di una volta (2019), the latter winner of the Special Jury Prize at Venice. Morabito teaches at the Accademia di Belle Arti and the CSC – Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia. The Outpost is his second directorial effort.