
Laguna Sud: the cinema outside the Palace

It is with great pleasure that we present the first international contest for short films Lagune - lives on water, which will take place during the fifth edition of Laguna Sud, the cinema outside the Palace (Chioggia 21st 25th of August 2019). The film festival has been conceived and is directed by Andrea Segre (Zalab) and Giorgio Gosetti, in cooperation with Comune di Chioggia, Fondazione Clodiense, Associazione ProLoco di Chioggia.

The international contest for short films (max 20 minutes) Lagune - lives on water aims to investigate and narrate lives emerging from suspended worlds and amphibious zones. Those are the ones divided between earth and water, whether this water is a lagoon, a river, a sea or a lake in any part of the globe. Those unnoticed biospheres are fragile ecosystems, whose survival is often put at risk by the current climate change, but nonetheless, it is precisely there that humans have developed a more complex relationship with the environment. In such places, individuals emphasize their reliance on Nature more in comparison to people living in the mainland.
This is a theme that we hope can be looked at and faced in a metaphorical sense and not only in a realistic way.
Chioggia is a town profoundly connected to its relationship with water. Laguna Sud has been trying to narrate this relationship in the last five years. This contest can help comparing Chioggia with similar and in the same time different areas from all over the world.
Participation is free and open to all short films dealing with every subject (fiction, documentary, animation, video art and any other) realized between June 2018 and June 2019.
The deadline for submissions is 11:59 p.m. of the 30th of June. Please send the following via email to comunicazione@zalab.org:

your short film (max 20 minutes) with Italian or English subtitles (in the case that original language it other than Italian) through a video sharing platform (Vimeo, Youtube, ecc…) with a downloadable link protected by a password;

a technical file in Italian or English of the short film containing: a short synopsis (max 300 letters), a long synopsis (max 1500 letters), technical cast, artistic cast;

3 high resolution pictures;

director(s)'s picture and biography in Italian or English;

information about participations and awards won in previous contests in Italian or English.

The direction of Laguna Sud will select a maximum of 10 short films, which will be announced by the 1st of August on internet sites and social pages of Zalab and Giornate degli Autori.
The finalists' short films will be projected during the events of Laguna Sud (21st - 25th of August 2019) in two different locations in the historical centre of Chioggia: the cloister of San Domenico island and San Nicolò auditorium.
The directors of the finalists will be invited to participate to the projections of their short films. Laguna Sud will take care of travel expenses.

The 25th of August, during the last evening for Laguna Sud, two prizes will be assigned:
Public Award - assigned by a vote from spectators of the event Laguna Sud 2019;
Laguna Sud Award - assigned by a quality committee composed by three professionals of the Italian authorial cinema (whose names will be communicated within the 20th of July 2019). The prize consists in the official showing of the short film in the Giornate degli Autori during the 76esima Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematografica di Venezia.