
The sixteenth moon

They say that some endeavours in life are born under a lucky star. On this historic fiftieth anniversary of the first Moon landing, we like to think that this edition of Giornate degli Autori - the sixteenth - is born under a lucky moon. After all, cinema, like the poets and sailors before it, has looked to the Earth's mysterious satellite since practically its infancy, and Georges Méliès was its first modern visitor.

From a different perspective, and with different expectations, we too set off on this voyage with the same eagerness to learn, perceive and comprehend as the space travelers. Every year, in fact, we know that other worlds await us and that our mission, entrusted to us by the Italian filmmakers' associations, is that of bringing fresh voices to Venice and introducing them to a film industry - Italy's - that now more than ever is in need of courage, dialogue, ambition and modernity. In the framework of the Venice Film Festival, we at Giornate feel we must be a distinct voice: unconventional, curious, and in a certain sense even pop.

Out of the bumper crop of over one thousand titles we have viewed - something of a record itself for our working group, and a milestone for an independent sidebar proud of its own sobriety we have brought home just eleven titles for our competitive lineup and ten or so more, between special events and Venetian Nights at the Villa degli Autori. Highly selective? Yes, by choice, and that's been our hallmark since we started out in 2004. Over time, it's made for our own brand, a seal of quality the world over, and we feel our lineup this year will only strengthen our reputation.

We can count on the support of a team of partners who believe in our achievements, year after year; and we rely on a loyal collaboration with the Venice Biennale and Film Festival, which host our showcase in the name of cinematic diversity. Then there's our own Giornate team, of which we are proud: it gets younger and more innovative year in and year out, yet consistently invests in its interpersonal relationships and assists Italian and international filmmakers in finding a "home away from home" in Venice, a meeting place where they can compare notes and brainstorm, on the strength of the films showcased. So taking this occasion to thank those who support us and guide us and believe in us, and work towards a common, ambitious goal, is no mere formality.

I embarked on this adventure back in 2004, thanks to the trust placed in me by remarkable individuals such as Roberto Barzanti, Citto Maselli, and Emidio Greco. It's the same trust I find today in Andrea Purgatori, Francesco Ranieri Martinotti, and the members of the Giornate degli Autori Association, and the people I work with at Giornate. I love a good challenge, and our sixteenth edition smacks of being a double somersault. During the selection process this year, I had no regrets over what we may have had our hearts set on but got away. Because this time, that simply didn't happen. It is always hard, though, to have to turn away fine films and fine filmmakers, and in many cases saying no was personally very painful.

I don't mean this apology as an afterthought. It's just that, as every festival programmer knows, you find yourself yearning for more room and more opportunities for artists who deserve attention and encouragement. So to all those I've said "no" to, I do apologize today; often it was for the sake of the overall lineup, while other times I may have simply made a mistake, nevertheless in good faith. If I should be proven wrong in the future, all the better!

At Giornate we have all put together a lineup we deeply believe in, one which holds up a mirror to the world, rewards established artists and at the same time hosts brilliant debuts, connecting fine films each with their own audiences, free to dream, free to find reality there. To all the writers, directors, actors and other creatives who will fly the Jolly Roger of Giornate degli Autori this year, we offer our thanks and welcome you to Venice. We say the same to our own marvelous audience of Giornate-goers, who once again bring to our lineup all their warmth, along with that passion called cinema. [Giorgio Gosetti]