Wednesday 04 September 2019
16:30 Villa degli Autori 

Giornate degli Autori teams up with the New York Film Academy to devote an event to one of the school's best-known teachers, Craig Caton, visual effects artist and 3D animator, who has worked with many Hollywood greats, from Steven Spielberg to Tim Burton. The masterclass is open to all festivalgoers on the Lido and will see Caton explain the basics of the motion capture technique used to bring film characters and videogames to life. He'll also demonstrate facial recognition in real time on volunteers in the audience.

In the credits for unforgettable films of the caliber of E.T.GhostbustersJurassic Park and Batman Returns there never fails to appear the name of an artist who moves the monsters and creates scenarios unimaginable without special effects. A pioneer in the use of Mayaź software (now universal for SFX), Caton has worked his magic for the likes of James Cameron (Titanic), Ron Howard (Apollo 13) and Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters). Still active in the Hollywood studios today, Caton is the Chair of the 3D Animation and Visual Effects at the Los Angeles location of the New York Film Academy.

Professor Caton will be bringing three short films with him, the pick of the crop of films made by students at the New York Film Academy over the last year. The masterclass will be followed by screenings of Scout by Alex Cvetkov (Slovenia, Italy), 8 by Gabriele Fabbro (United States, Italy), and Two Weeks in Laredo by Adrianne Lundy (United States).

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